
My name is Emily, I'm a 23 year old full-time college student/fangirl with an obsessive personality! I know a lot of fangirls can relate to the extreme love they feel for their favorite artists- nothing brings us more joy than having physical manifestations of that love to show to our family and friends as if to say, "Look! See! I love harry styles enough to wear an exact replica of the outfit he wore in December of 2019" or "Yes, Mom, that is Taylor Swift's initials on my butt". It's things like these that I felt were missing in the fandoms I was apart of, and essentially what jump-started Pressed Paper Shop (PPS), because who doesn't want to emulate their favorite artist's style, and more importantly, who doesn't want Taylor's initials on the back of their sweatpants?

Most people always ask how we came up with the name "pressedpapershop" because we don't sell paper goods like what would probably be expected. The shop's name has always been PressedPaper as it pays an homage to the first shirt I ever made in highschool, which was a sublimated tee. The process of sublimation requires the design to be printed on a piece of paper before being heat pressed onto a polyester t-shirt = pressed paper. It was actually for a student government election that I didn't end up winning (lol) but got me into thinking what other things I could design and put onto shirts!

We don't sublimate much anymore, but it's still a reminder of that first ever design and how much PPS was a fun hobby and passion before it ever was a business. We've now grown over triple the size since we started over quarantine in 2020 and have hopes to open a brick-and-mortar store where fangirls around the country (and world) will come to visit for their favorite pieces.

We're based in Phoenix, Arizona but ship worldwide! Our goal is always to create original and fun pieces that resonate with the fandom they're for. Take a look around the shop and let us know what you think! While we're so proud of the growth we've experienced in such a short amount of time, our biggest pride is the online community we've created. Everyone is so kind and truly looks out for eachother the best they can. Our instagram is @PressedPaperShopCore where we're constantly reposting besties in their merch for style inspo and love! We know none of what we do would be possible without you all and recognize the honor and privilege it is to have customers that trust us enough to continuously support and recommend our products.

If you have any questions or would just like to say hello, our email is pressedpapershophelp@gmail.com or join us over on instagram @Pressedpapershopcore :)